EC-2502 electronic cassette is a microprocessor device, which control work of the whole doorphone system. Older versions of digital doorphones used two types of electronic cassettes – to the main entrance and to the subordinate one. CD-2502 doorphone uses one kind of electronic cassette, in which the installer defines what type of entrance it will support.
Electronic cassette is supplied from the two- winding AC adapter. One of the windings is used to power the cassette and an outdoor panel while the second one to power a door release. In the electronic cassette, there are potentiometers to adjust strengthening of a speaker, microphone and line balance.
Using jumpers, one may configure in electronic cassette the type of blocking device (door release or electromagnetic lock). In electromagnetic locks (jumpers), there is often the phenomenon of residual magnetism, which results in difficulties with opening doors (gates), so the electronic cassette is equipped with a system for eliminating this undesirable phenomenon. Enabling the mechanism of jumper demagnetization in situation when a door release is used may cause its improper work!
The cassette includes INIT and RESET buttons, used among other things to restore the default settings of doorphone. Electronic cassette EC-2502 may co-work with a battery, which ensures proper work of the doorphone system in case of power failure in the power grid.
Electronic cassette EC-2502 may be used as a counterpart for the following types of electronic cassettes applied in the older models: EC-2200, EC-2200/U, EC-2200/H, EC-2200/INT, EC-2500/S , EC-2500/R, EC-2500/U, EC-2500/H, EC-2501, EC-2501/U, EC-2501/H
A distributor is used to connect monitors to the doorphone installation. One distributor enables to connect from 1 to 4 monitors. It may also serves as a branch in the doorphone installation, where outputs are treated as an independent video signal source.
The distributor has an input for audio and video signals and four outputs with RJ-45 sockets, commonly used in computer networks, enabling easy cable connection. Configuration jumpers allow you to set strengthening and video correction for each of the outputs. The distributor is supplied from the connected monitors, however, when working as a line branch it can be powered from an electronic cassette or a standalone adapter.
Purpose and features of the CVR-2 distributor are exactly the same as in the case of CVR-1 distributor, with the difference that the CVR-2 serves as the central power supply for 4 monitors and has screw terminals instead of ARK terminals. CVR-2 distributor and monitors are powered from a stabilized power supply 15V/4A.
CVP-1 switch is designed for CD-2502 doorphone in video version in the system with the main entrance. Thanks to the switch, the image from the camera placed in the panel from which the calling is (panel at the main entrance or a panel at the entrance to the staircase) is displayed on the monitor screen. In the switch, there are inputs of the vision signal (C1+, C1-) for the signal from the main entrance and (C2+, C2-) for the signal from the subordinate one, and two outputs of the signal (X+, X- and Y1, Y2).
The switch may be powered from an electronic cassette or its own adapter. CVP-1 switch should be installed at each subordinate entrance, as close to the electronic cassette as it possible. The switch has configuration jumpers enabling to set strengthening and vision frequency correction and line impedance. Before the execution of the project and installation of equipment, please read the terms and conditions of installation for the video version.
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